Wrote mission-critical compliance docs that reduced risk
- Technical Writing
- Static Generators (MkDocs)
- Requirements Definition
- Change Management
- Communication
- Process Mapping
A searchable website and PDF that tracked the change log and processes for a distillery application used to generate reports and meet requirements set out by the TTB (Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau).
Essential compliance documentation for developers & decision-makers
I documented the scope, needs, and requirements for a bespoke compliance application designed for a large distillery. The app generates three types of monthly reports for the TTB, helping the plant maintain compliance.
Failure to follow these requirements posed a major risk to the company in the form of tax liability and licensing. The goal was to exceed the agency’s minimum standards for record-keeping by integrating with the plant’ equipment to automate reports based on equipment data, as well as allowing employees to create log entries directly from the plant floor as part of a continuous quality control and monitoring process. The application's core functionality utilizes information from communication SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) systems that siphon raw date from equipment PLCs (programmable logic controllers).

Writing effective docs required a comprehensive understanding of TTB reporting, as well as process flows and how various systems work together in the distillery itself. The documentation was written using MkDocs, a modern static site generator designed for documentation.